Many patients opt for dental veneers when their teeth are badly stained or crooked. Veneers are also used in cosmetic procedures when teeth are chipped or there are substantial gaps between your teeth. Any undesirable defects can usually be concealed by veneers, so long as the issue is purely cosmetic. Other procedures may need to be done if the structure or health of your mouth is of concern to your dental provider.
If you’re considering veneers as a cosmetic dental solution, be aware that there are two main types: composite or porcelain veneers
Composite and porcelain veneers differ in the materials they’re made of. Porcelain veneers are made of porcelain, which is a hard ceramic material that’s colored to be the same shade as your teeth. The porcelain material is molded to fit the shape of your teeth, almost like a shell. Porcelain veneers can be costly. However, many people choose porcelain veneers because they’re strong and durable, and the material looks nearly identical to your natural smile.
Composite veneers are made of a composite resin material. These veneers take much less time to apply to your teeth than porcelain veneers and typically cost less, too. However, the composite resin material will cause your veneers to stain over time, just like your natural teeth. Both of these options have their own sets of pros and cons. Your choice of composite or porcelain veneers depends on which works better for you.
But throughout this process, keep in mind that once you have composite or porcelain veneers installed, they are permanent and cannot be undone. To have veneers installed, you need to have a layer of tooth enamel stripped before they’re bonded to your teeth.
Veneers are just one option for cosmetic dentistry solutions. Other options you might want to consider are crowns, implants, and whitening services.
Contact us at Lee Simon today and let us walk you through your dental veneer options!
Veneers are considered to be a cosmetic dental procedure and many insurance providers will consider it an elective procedure. It’s not likely that your insurance will cover your entire dental veneer procedure, however, they may cover some of it. Discuss this with your insurance provider to make sure you’re aware of potential costs. Contact Lee Simon today to discuss insurance and payment options.
Porcelain veneers can range in cost from $900 - $2,500. Porcelain veneers do cost more than composite veneers, however, these have many other benefits that composite veneers do not have. Porcelain veneers last longer, have the appearance of natural teeth, and do not stain.
The length of time that porcelain veneers last can vary from person to person. However, porcelain veneers can last anywhere from 10 - 20 years. Your veneers will last much longer if you have good oral hygiene, so be sure to follow recommended guidelines for oral care provided by your dentist.
Porcelain veneers do not stain. That makes them a great option if you’re looking to get veneers because of stains on your natural set of teeth. Composite veneers are much more susceptible to staining foods and liquids.
You should never whiten your composite veneers. Composite veneers cannot be whitened and do not respond well to whitening solutions. Consult your dentist before whitening your veneers or implementing any changes yourself. Your dentist can also guide you in the next steps for getting your composite veneers replaced.
Veneers typically make the space between your teeth too tight, which makes it really difficult to floss. A solution to this is using a water flosser instead of traditional string floss. Make sure you don’t neglect flossing due to your veneers! Veneers require a steady dental hygiene routine.
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