Dental Exams for Individuals and Families in Erie, PA

Lee Simon's dental staff can provide comprehensive dental exams for you and your whole family to determine the next best steps to take for personal dental care and a lifetime of healthy smiles.

If it has been a while since your last dental exam, or maybe this is going to be your first, you can trust that the dental staff will make you feel comfortable. You’ll feel confident knowing the full dental evaluation is the first step in making a dental care plan that will work for you.

Schedule an appointment, now.

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Woman smiling with beautiful teeth.

Dental Examination Procedure

Initial Dental Exam

The initial dental examination, which is the same for pediatric and adult patients, includes a visual examination, charting, periodontal probing, diagnosis and dental treatment recommendations such as a continued care regime and restorative procedures.

Additional Evaluations

Dental X-Rays are also taken, which include the panoramic x-ray for proper diagnosis of the anterior (front) and posterior (back) teeth as well as the bite-wing x-ray series for proper diagnosis of proximal decay of posterior teeth.

Post-Exam Steps

After your exam, the dentist may make recommendations for your dental care based on the findings of the full dental evaluation. Additionally, you may also have a deep teeth cleaning done at the time of your exam, or opt-in for an oral cancer screening.

 Have Questions?

When should I schedule a dental examination?

You should schedule one as your first visit with a new dentist or as a routine check-up with your existing dental care provider. The primary purpose of this appointment is to check your teeth for damage, decay, and other underlying dental health issues. This would be an ideal appointment if you were seeking a second opinion on an issue or procedure.

How long is a full dental check up?
I don’t have dental insurance. How can I get this first appointment covered?
I have a dental emergency. Will I have to wait a long time between the initial examination and treatment?
Can you determine wisdom teeth health and potential removal during a dental examination?