Best Dental Team in Erie, PA

All of the dental professionals at Lee Simon's office maintain the highest levels of accreditation and pursue ongoing education to stay current with the latest trends in dentistry. Get to know our expert dental team!

Marcie  Montie, RDH, MBA, PHDHP

Marcie Montie, RDH, MBA, PHDHP

Managing Director

Before working for Dr. Simon, Marcie worked in Pittsburgh for two years as a Registered Dental Hygienist while completing her BS. She moved back to the area in 2003 and started working part-time as a dental hygienist, one of the offices was with Dr. Simon. Marcie worked her way up to full-time with him. In 2008, she graduated from Gannon University with her MBA, then her anesthesia license in 2010 and PHDHP in 2012 when they became available to hygienists in PA.  Marcie has been the office manager for Dr. Simon since 2013. Marcie's credentials include:

  • High School- General Mclane 1998
  • Dental Hygiene – University of Pittsburgh 2001
  • Bachelor's of Science – University of Pittsburgh 2002
  • Masters Of Business Administration – Gannon University 2008
  • Anesthesia License – University of Pittsburgh.
  • PHDHP - Licensed Public Health Dental Hygiene Practitioner
  • UPMC Northwest Health Education Advisory Commitee (Current)

Marcie is passionate about her family, her children (Colton and Elise), and the outdoors.